How to Teach What You Love
How can you build income by teaching your creative passion? How does that affect your identity as an artist? Cathy shares the 7 essential ingredients to launch your course, including how to organize your lessons with valuable content, where you can teach your talents, how to find students, and how to jump over the inevitable hurdles that pop up along the way.
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Cathy speaking at Podcast Movement 2017
Get the content down. Brain dump first. Figure out the syntax and steps afterwards.
It's not rocket science. If you commit, you will figure it out.
Offer free content to prove that you have value. But don't teach everything for free.
When you start, don't bite off more than you can chew.
You don't need a PhD - but you need to have results.
Have enthusiasm and passion for your class. It will be your greatest asset.
Know your ideal student - what problems can you help them solve?
There will always be a tribe for you.
Just because you teach, it doesn't mean you're not an artist.
Everyone has a class in them.
It's totally okay to share your secrets to success. After all, no one can take your destiny.
Join our Don't Keep Your Facebook Community Group - Cathy will be going live at 11 am PT on Wednesday, January 31st!
Get your free cheatsheet on How to Teach What You Love
The 7 essential ingredients to teach what you love:FB ads, FB group, guest post on a blog)
Write down everything you know. Brain dump.
Chunk all that information into sections and steps.
Find out the various ways and platforms to teach it.
Cathy's episode on the DIY Musician Podcast with CD Baby
Fill your class.
Make sure the content is amazing.
Figure out the logistics. Who is your ideal student? How much would they be willing to pay for your information?
Zoom - video conferencing
Brace yourself for the hurdles.
Thank you so much for listening!
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